Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tanner's First Talk in Church

So, it has been awhile since I have posted anything but, today was a pretty special day. Tanner gave his first talk in church. His topic was "Endure to the end." He was pretty excited about it, I think. When the first counselor asked him, I did not know how he would react. He thought that it would be fun to talk in church. I saw the excitment in his eyes. He did a great job as he stood in front of a couple hundred people and read the talk he prepared. He was a little nervous when he started, but I could tell as his talk progressed that he was more comfortable. I see a future missonary in him. He wrote his whole talk by himself. Derek and I gave little help. He seems to be a very spirtually in-tune young man. We have seen this in him from such a young age. At times, it seems that he teaches us rather than us teaching him. He is such a good example to so many people around him. I can't be more proud of him. He is truly growing into a fine young man. We continually get compliments on what a great young man he is. The years have flown by and I have a son that can give talks in sacrament meeting. It makes me feel a little old, but I am glad that he has made good choices in his life so that he can share his testimony with others. I loved listening to him today. What a great son we have!


Tammy and Kinamo said...

Great job Tanner.

The Tolboe family said...

You do have a great son. I look at the boys in the ward and think about my boys passing the sacrament and giving talks. We have some pretty special boys in our ward. Thank you for raising a good son who can be an example to my boys!